Tuesday, May 3, 2016

ISO 8601 DateFormat 1.0.0 (Java library) relased

I released ISO 8601 DateFormat 1.0.0 on 3 May 2016. This is a library for Java, which provides a subclass of a DateFormat class to parse and format dates formats of which are specified by ISO 8601 (or by RFC 3339 or W3C-DTF).

It was published into Bintray JCenter repository.


In Java, there are several ways to parse a date-time string with format of ISO 8601. E.g. using SimpleDateFormat with format “yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX” (Java SE 7 or later), using Date and Time API (JSR 310; Java SE 8 or later), using Joda-Time, or using Apache Commons Lang.

On Java SE 6 environments or Android platforms, however, I think there is no way to do so easily. Therefore I made this library.

Supporting format

Currently, only combined date and time representations with extended format are supported.
  • 2016-01-01T00:30:21Z
  • 2016-01-01T09:30:21+09:00


Please see README in the project repository.